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Horoscope Signs July 2024

July 25th, 2024 | Posted by horoscopesign in Signs - (0 Comments)
Horoscopes July 2024

Here are your horoscopes for July 2024, listed by zodiac sign:

Aries (March 21 – April 19):
July 2024 brings a focus on your career and finances. You may receive an apology or overcome an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. However, you may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):
In July 2024, your focus is on love and relationships. You’re enjoying yourself and not caring what others think. You’re working towards a romantic commitment and giving your heart to someone. You’ll trust them and feel a sense of peace.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):
July 2024 brings a focus on your finances and communication skills. You’re receiving an apology or overcoming an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. You may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):
In July 2024, your focus is on your career and home life. You’re receiving an apology or overcoming an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. You may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.

Leo (July 23 – August 22):
July 2024 brings a focus on your finances and self-expression. You’re receiving an apology or overcoming an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. You may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22):
In July 2024, your focus is on your career and health. You’re receiving an apology or overcoming an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. You may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.

Libra (September 23 – October 22):
July 2024 brings a focus on your career and relationships. You’re receiving an apology or overcoming an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. You may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):
In July 2024, your focus is on your finances and transformation. You’re receiving an apology or overcoming an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. You may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):
July 2024 brings a focus on your finances and personal growth. You’re receiving an apology or overcoming an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. You may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):
In July 2024, your focus is on your career and partnerships. You’re receiving an apology or overcoming an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. You may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):
July 2024 brings a focus on your love life and personal growth. You’re receiving an apology or overcoming an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. You may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20):
In July 2024, your focus is on your personal growth and spirituality. You’re receiving an apology or overcoming an addiction. You’re also freeing yourself from toxic relationships and increasing your self-awareness. You may lack concentration and feel overwhelmed by your unrealized dreams.


April 29th, 2016 | Posted by horoscopesign in Astrology | Basics - (Comments Off on Retrograde)

Imagine riding in a speeding train, and passing a slower train. Both trains are moving straight ahead, but as the trains are passing, the slower train appears to be moving backwards, at least from the point of view of the riders on the fast train. Astronomers refer to this as “apparent retrograde motion,” because it is an optical illusion.

This same effect occurs with the planets. As the Earth passes (or is passed by) other planets in the solar system, for a while, they appear to slow in their path across the Zodiac. Then they stop altogether, and backtrack against their paths for a short while, and stop again. Finally, they get back up to speed again, and return to where they started.

The entire period from the point where the planet started to slow down, through the backwards motion, until the planet “catches up” to itself and passes the point where it started from—is called Retrograde. It’s a fairly common and straightforward event in astronomy, but it takes on a whole new meaning in astrology.

Retrograde periods are traditionally regarded as times when humans have little control. This is when things that are fated to happen actually happen.

Mercury, for example, turns retrograde three times a year. From February 14th, 2007, to March 28th, 2007, Mercury is in retrograde. On March 8th, 2007, it finishes the backwards motion and begins moving forward again.

Mercury rules information—conversation, communication, thinking and education. When Mercury is in retrograde, these things will have “glitches” thrown in—disrupted communications, collapsed negotiations, and general misunderstandings, usually because some vital piece of information has been lost.

Venus turns retrograde every eighteen months. During this period, emotions—which Venus rules—become muted. Venus in retrograde is the wrong time of the year to redecorate, start a relationship, or get married.

The planets beyond Venus have longer retrograde periods, that are further and further apart (Saturn, for example, is in retrograde from December 6th, 2006 until August 7th, 2007).

The New Popularity of Astrology

April 27th, 2016 | Posted by horoscopesign in Astrology | Basics - (Comments Off on The New Popularity of Astrology)

Astrology has been a part of daily life in America for some time, but it was not always so. The popularity of astrology has ebbed and waned for the last several thousands of years in the Western World. Only in the last hundred years has astrology actually become popular once more in the Western World. Furthermore, it has only been in the last twenty years that serious study of astrology has surfaced in America. People today are looking for answers once again with astrology. It is even more popular today with thanks to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Astrology actually made its debut in the Western world thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia. The art of astrology traveled to Greece around 600 BC. The practice further spread throughout the Roman world, then abruptly disappeared.

With the European “age of enlightenment,” also known as the Renaissance period, astrology once more made an appearance in the western world. The study of astrology and its use in daily life became commonplace. However, Christianity and the early leaders of the religion drove out astrology once more.

Astrology did not reappear on the scene until the late eighteen hundreds. During this time, two prominent astrologists came forward and began publishing information about their art. This practice reached America in the early nineteen hundreds, and then continued to spread.

In the late 1930’s, the study of astrology became even more commonplace in America with the publication of American Astrology, a magazine which offered the first detailed horoscopes. While the magazine itself did not remain in print for long, the study of astrology and American interest in the art continued to prosper for some time. Horoscopes have appeared in major newspapers and later other print media since that time.

However, the actual art of astrology and the serious study of the stars was once again lost. In the sixties and seventies serious astrologists once more came to light, and more people began to take the study of astrology seriously. This was the beginning of what is known as the New Age movement.

Throughout the last several decades the New Age movement has continued to evolve. The study of occult religions such as Wicca further encouraged the study and use of astrology in America. Today, astrology is a very controversial topic in America for some, and a way of life for others.

The popularity of astrology has grown significantly over the last twenty years. More and more people have turned to Wicca and the occult for answers that they feel have not been found in Christianity. In these religions people feel that they have more control over their lives. Astrology is one part of that control. It is used to plan for the future and make decisions in the present.

Books on the topic have also become very commonplace in America over the last twenty years. Books no longer cover simple horoscopes and zodiac signs. Books on astrology that actually teach the art of divination and astrological charting have become very common and popular. Even though some Christian groups still rile against the art, astrology is alive and well in America today.

The Yin and Yang of Feng Shui

March 30th, 2016 | Posted by horoscopesign in Feng Shui - (Comments Off on The Yin and Yang of Feng Shui)
The Yin and Yang of Feng Shui

Is Feng Shui really friendly for all genders? While there is no question to the fact that it can invite some positive vibes into your home just by the mere art of rearranging your furniture and the orientations of your surroundings, it may actually reveal so much more about culture if one takes a good look at it.

For one thing, the Yin and Yang illustration is a very famous facet of Feng Shui. It simply states that opposites are necessary to be able to appreciate the beauty of things. You cannot appreciate the good without bad, light without darkness and so on. This theory of opposites and balance extends to the elements of the earth: water, wind, fire, wood and earth. These elements are also in balance if good Feng Shui is present.

Yin is often characterized with strength, viability and aggressiveness. More importantly, it is attributed to the masculine side of identity. On the other hand, weakness and femininity are interchangeably attributed to the Yang side, the softer side of things. Is this really a good thing? While it has been maintained that it is a world for the masculine, the main precepts of Feng Shui are actually more tailored to suit male, establishing them as the strong ones in the spectrum of life. “The philosophy of feng shui is a practice of looking at our living spaces and working environment and striking a balance with the natural world (https://www.thespruce.com/what-is-feng-shui-1275060).”

The Feng Shui concept is already organized in its scope. Any person you ask about Feng Shui may tell you its symbols: the bagua, the yin and yang diagram and the charms used by Feng Shui experts to cancel bad luck. However, the main concepts are not entirely original. The philosopher Heraclitus from Greece is credited for having first denoted the concept of having opposites. And consequently, psychology on colors and other visual media can also state some theories that are resonant with Feng Shui precepts.

Interestingly, there are more women drawn to the Feng Shui habit than men, who may or may not be conscious that they are actually supporting a form of belief system that establishes males as strong and females as weak. But other than the Yin Yang concept, there is no other outward manifestation of this gender bias.

Is it really a good thing to believe in Feng Shui and apply it? It really depends on the person who is asking and the background under which he or she is raised. If you are born in an open-minded culture which holds less restrictions on what you can and cannot do, the applying of Feng Shui may be a non-issue. Meanwhile, if you are under a movement that opposes the main beliefs of Feng Shui, you may have to make a more substantial choice of lifestyle changes.

Feng Shui also has its own Yin and Yang to speak of. If you are really intent on ruminating on the deeper aspects of Feng Shui, you may have to dig deeper beyond what you see on promotional materials and even hate literature against Feng Shui. For the most part, Feng Shui is quite harmless in nature and it does not really explicitly cause major changes in one’s lifestyles or belief systems.

But if in case you choose to be more meticulous, you may find that analyzing beneath the layers of promotion of Feng Shui that there is more to it than just rearranging furniture.

Profiles of Feng Shui Enthusiasts

March 30th, 2016 | Posted by horoscopesign in Feng Shui - (Comments Off on Profiles of Feng Shui Enthusiasts)
Profiles of Feng Shui Enthusiasts

Feng Shui enthusiasts have different niches. Different personalities and cultural backgrounds are incorporated into the Feng Shui attempts. The good thing is that you do not have to limit yourself to a certain make to be able to apply Feng Shui. However, it may do you a lot of good if you are able to find the groups of people who have the same interests as yours as far as Feng Shui is concerned.

If you are after the more rigid type of the loose application of Feng Shui, these are all possible depending on your preference, for Feng Shui is really all a matter of channeling the right energy to make the environment work to your benefit.

The best thing about Feng Shui is that it attracts a huge variety of people. You don’t even have to look too far and you will easily find a person who is into Feng Shui. And with the many challenges facing the world today, it is understandable that we seek help in various places, including Feng Shui aid. But different persons breed different motivations for applying Feng Shui, and here are some of the profiles of people who engage in Feng Shui.

The Business Tycoon

The business tycoon is completely focused in profits. He or she will be most likely to ponder positioning and orientation of his office building in relation to the directions of prosperity. He may even alter the numbers of his landline and address, if at all possible, to tailor to the lucky numbers for a given season. But more often than not, the business tycoon won’t have time to think all about these things and will be most likely to hire a Feng Shui expert to do it all under his approval.

Big-time business people who like Feng Shui can afford the most expensive form of Feng Shui help there is and actually uses the profit to leverage in more profits with proper design and good Feng Shui.

The Pad-Owning Bachelor and Bachelorette

The bachelor’s priorities include adjusting to the adult world, getting financial stability and having fun socially. Typically, they are the ones who buy Feng Shui charms, remove flowers in the bedroom to avoid unfaithfulness in relationships. Fun-loving and modern, they may find that they are heavy on electronic or metal objects and may opt to balance it with a Zen fountain or two.

The Housewife

The housewife is the one who pores through magazines and seeks out Feng Shui tips online and offline. She may also derive the techniques from other fellow housewives and friends within the neighborhood. Her common focus on Feng Shui would most likely be oriented on home and family matters. The housewife who likes Feng Shui is most likely into interior designing of home whether on an amateur or a professional level.

The Striving Employee

The striving employee who likes Feng Shui aims to make a miniature balance of earth elements in his cubicle. This may involve him or her putting a small mirror for water, a jacket to ward off the excessive metal in the corporate workplace and many others. The striving employee may also invite relaxation and peace of mind by means of a plant ornament or any lovely fixture that doubles as a Feng Shui charm and a form of esthetic display.

Feng Shui Theories

March 30th, 2016 | Posted by horoscopesign in Feng Shui - (Comments Off on Feng Shui Theories)
Stars in the sky

Feng shui theories today mainly work with the goal to arrange the environment made by humans in certain spots known to have good Qi. In order to find this spot, it should be the right location and an axis in time based on the accepted theories. In order to understand it better, here are some of the theories that feng shui has been known to uphold in its practice.


The Qi, pronounce as “chi”, is a difficult word to understand and is usually left as it is, without translation. In the most literal sense, the word means “air”. In today’s feng shui, Qi is similar to the word “energy”. A more traditional explanation of Qi as it relates to understanding of local environments, the orientation of buildings, and the interaction between the land to the vegetation and the soil quality. An instrument that is used to determine the flow of Qi is the luopan.

The theory of Qi stems from the different beliefs from the Axial Age. One such belief holds that the heavens influence life on Earth. This may seem outrageous to some people, but scientists today now know that space weather exists and can affect some technology such as GPS, power grids, communication and navigation systems, etc. and the internal orienting faculties of even birds and other creatures.


Polarity is another theory used in the practice of feng shui. It is expressed in feng shui as the Yin and Yang Theory. Polarity that is expressed through yin and yang can be compared to a bipolar magnetic field. It is made up of two forces- one creating a force and one receiving it. Yang is the force acting and yin is receiving. This interaction is considered as an early understanding of Qirality. The Yin Yang Theory and connected to another theory called the Five Phase Theory or Five Element Theory.

The so-called “five elements” of feng shui are water, wood, fire, earth or soil, and metal. These elements are said to be composed of yin and yang in precise amounts. The interaction between the two forces became the foundation for the practice of feng shui and how it is said to strive to achieve balance.


The two ancient diagrams that are known as the bagua are common fixtures in the practice in feng shui. They can be compared to the cardinal points of the compass today. The bagua diagrams are also linked with the sifang or “four directions” method of divination that was popularly used during the Shang dynasty although the sifang is considered to be much older.

It was also known to be used at Niuheliang as well as a big fixture in the Hongshan culture’s practice of astronomy. And it is in this area of China that can be connected to Huangdi, who was also known as the Yellow Emperor. It was Huangdi who was known to have invented the south-pointing spoon.

The cardinal directions that contained in the bagua diagram are said to be determined by the marker-stars of the mega-constellations known as the Four Celestial Animals. The East is considered to be the Blue Green Dragon. The South is the Red Bird. The West is also known to be the White Tiger while the North stood for the Dark Turtle.

These feng shui theories also loom large even in today’s practice of trying to achieve a good balance in the environment as well as the lives of people.

Aspects of Astrology

March 29th, 2016 | Posted by horoscopesign in Astrology | Basics - (Comments Off on Aspects of Astrology)
Mars Photo

There are many aspects of astrology that are not often considered by those who do not actually study the subject. Most people think that astrology consists of sun signs. However, there are many other aspects of astrology that must be considered for the art to be truly accurate and useful.

The Planets

There are ten planets studied in astrology. The number ten is arrived by adding the sun and the moon. The earth is not counted, because our perspective is from the earth. Each planet influences both the sun sign and the house in which it resides in the astrological chart.

Each planet represents the influence that it holds over the sun sign and the house in which it rules. Saturn, for example, represents the limitations of man. Jupiter represents leadership and prosperity. The other planets have their own representations and influences.

Planetary movements and alignments are also very important in astrology. Various planetary alignments and movements can indicate extreme influences over all aspects of our lives. For example, when Mars is in retrograde, conflicts will be more dominant in our lives.

The Houses

There are twelve houses in the Zodiac, or astrological chart. Each house represents an aspect of our lives such as romance, career, or family. The houses are very important in the interpretation of astrology. The house in which a planet resides shows what influences will be held over that aspect of our life.

Because there are twelve houses but only ten planets, each astrological chart will have two vacant houses. These vacant houses represent areas of the life that are unimportant in this life. It is believed that either you have been successful in that aspect of your life in another life, or other aspects of life are in more immediate need of attention than those represented by the vacant houses.

The Signs

The Zodiac sun signs are the most common aspect of astrology. There are twelve sun signs, based, roughly, on the months of the year. Each sun sign rules for approximately twenty eight days.

The twelve signs of the Zodiac are well known to most people. They include Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini, Libra, Leo, and Ares, among others. The sun signs are most often used to create typical horoscopes.

The Moon Signs

The moon also has twelve signs that are used in the interpretation of astrology, as well as the phases of the moon that are commonly known. The twelve signs of the moon are named after the twelve signs of the sun. However, these signs do not meet often.

The twelve signs of the moon circulate monthly rather than yearly. Therefore, each sign of the Zodiac occurs within its own sign of the moon one time each month. This may occur for one to three days. It is when the sun sign and moon sign are the same that the individual’s mental clarity is at its peak.

When the sign of the moon is the opposite of the sun sign of the individual in question, conflict will ensue. Some phases of the moon are detrimental to decision making regardless of the sun sign held by the individual. In any case, the moon’s energies and emotions influence the overall readings of the rest of the aspects of astrology.

Fame from Feng Shui

March 28th, 2016 | Posted by horoscopesign in Feng Shui - (Comments Off on Fame from Feng Shui)
Fame from Feng Shui

Do you want to be closer to fame? Well, it may not exactly be within reach instantly upon applying Feng Shui, but it can at least help open the doors to fame for you. Ushering in the mood that is conducive to fame is one of the things that Feng Shui consultants are paid for. But if you have a tight budget and just wish to try out Feng Shui for the fun of it, you may find these tips useful for inviting fame and opportunity in your doorstep.

Famous Feng Shui Tip 1: Redden your atmosphere

Red is often attributed to good reputation and fame. So if at all possible, have a lot of red things in your atmosphere. But don’t overdo it, as success may not be exactly attractive when under some form of overdose. Make sure that you are able to decorate your office or home in red with good taste, and don’t make it clash with other furniture or things that you need to put in your home or office. The middle portion is usually the best place to have a concentration of red ojects.

Famous Feng Shui Tip 2: Fire it up!

Fire is good attractor of fame and favorable reputation, so make sure that you have some elements of fire all over your area. Have a candlelit area in your room, or better yet, amp up your fireplace. This way, you will be able to fire up your reputation with it.

Famous Feng Shui Tip 3: Put wood and fire together!

If you have fire, it may also be good to have some wooden furniture to go along with it. You don’t have to put them in direct contact with each other, because that would actually pose some hazards. All you have to do is make sure that you have a healthy balance of both these elements, for these are two elements out of the five that Feng Shui promotes you to have in your environment for a sense of balance.

Famous Feng Shui Tip 4: Prop up your achievements

You may have some proof of achievement. Now, if you hang these achievements on the wall, it invites more of the recognition that you aspire for. If you are really very shy about your achievements, you can at least display it in another part of your room, without being too blatant about it.

Famous Feng Shui Tip 5: Have a visual target or symbol for success

Aside from upholding the things that you have already achieved, it may also help you if you have some target of sorts, a symbol for your success. It is not just enough that you appreciate how much you have achieved so far; it is also equally important to look forward to things that you can still have in the future. Keep handy your symbols for success; it may be in the form of a sentimental pen if you are a budding Nobel Prize aspirant or maybe something else that holds specific and special meaning for you and your goals of success.

Famous Feng Shui Tip 6: Keep your humility intact

Of course, Feng Shui is no excuse for you to flaunt yourself too much in your environment. The best way to invite success is to maintain your humility. There are still other people who are better and smarter, so you do not have the exclusive right to be way above in the clouds.

The Best Books on Astrology

March 28th, 2016 | Posted by horoscopesign in Astrology | Books - (Comments Off on The Best Books on Astrology)
Astrology Books

There are thousands of books available on astrology. Some mini-books on astrology are sold in supermarket checkout lanes. Others are sold in book stores. But most of the books that you see while out on your daily errands are some of the worst books on astrology that you can waste your money on.

These so-called books on astrology are often no more than horoscopes, based on nothing more than sun signs. Some of these books claim to help you with your relationships, while only providing sun sign information. Astrology actually encompasses many factors into your astrological readings, and the sun sign is one small factor of many.

The best books on astrology are those that teach you how to plot your own astrological chart and readings. These books on astrology are the best way to learn how astrology affects your life and teach you how to apply that knowledge to better your life. Below you will find some of the best books on astrology.

The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk is a great place to start learning about astrology. This book gives you an overview of the various sun signs, as well as other factors such as the moon, your ascendant, and the houses. Additionally, this book on astrology provides extensive charts by birth date to help you create your own personal astrological chart and readings.

Using the information you gathered and the charts you created in the last book on astrology, you can use this next book to predict your future using astrology. This book is called Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark and is written by Bernadette Brady. This book will help you understand the predictive nature of the planets and houses. Using this information and your astrological birth chart you can easily predict your future using astrology.

You can take this information and apply it to your daily life using the book Financial Astrology by David Williams. This is one of the best books on astrology that actually explains how to use real astrological principles to better an area of your life. This book provides astrological data for past major financial events, as well as outlines how to use real astrological data to predict future financial opportunities and windfalls.

Another of the best books on astrology that can teach you how to interpret real horoscopes is called Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope by Sue Tompkins. This book explains why newspaper and magazine horoscopes are rarely accurate for most people. Sue Tompkins also arms you with information and charts about how the planets affect your sun sign. Armed with this information you can interpret mundane horoscopes to actually fit your astrological chart, and use them to your benefit.

If, after reading the above books, you are still a little fuzzy as to what the various aspects of an astrological chart are and how they affect you, this is the book for you. The Complete Book of Astrology by Ada Aubin and June Rifkin provides the best explanations of sun signs, houses, planets, planetary movements, the moon, and other aspects of astrology that affect your life.

Chinese Elements

March 28th, 2016 | Posted by horoscopesign in Chinese Astrology - (Comments Off on Chinese Elements)
China Elements

Chinese Astrology is said by some scholars to be the oldest horoscope system in the world. However if you trace Western Astrology back to its Middle East roots, both types are likely to have been born in their current recognizable form around 3000 years BC, however they stem from entirely different beginnings as well as traditions and parts of the world.

The 12 animals are further flavored by the pervading element of that particular year (elements also revolve as a separate cycle). It is said that Buddha is responsible for the 12 animals as they were the only ones who came to bid him farewell into the next life.

Chinese Astrology is concerned with nature and its traits, the signs progress year by year, whereas Western Astrology cycles monthly. The consideration of Yin and Yang is a very great influence upon this subject, Yin being passive, female and receptive while Yang is aggressive, male and exploratory. The various permutations of these 2 essential forces in nature, places, organizations, events and humanity and the quest to achieve balance so that both operate together in harmony rather than opposing or canceling each other out are an essentially Oriental viewpoint and quest, they form the basis of many Far Eastern traditions and other influences in Chinese Society such as Feng Shui.

The 12 Animal Signs are : Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit (or Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The animal ruling year in which you were born has a profound influence on your life.

As the Chinese say, This is the animal that hides in your heart.

There are 5 elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, each adding a nuance of almost tactile character to the animal sign.Chinese0Astrology is based on the Chinese0calendar year of your birth or the year of an event. There are also many more nuances involving the month and day.
